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Links to other interesting device simulation tools

Refractiveindex.info a database of n/k values

This is a rather useful database of n/k values. It's the biggest and most organized database I know of refractive index values. I try to sync OghmaNano to it every couple of months or so refractiveindex.info It's maintained by Mikhail Polyanskiy.

PV Lighthouse

PV light house run by Keith McIntosh, with contributions from many others.


If OghmaNano does not fulfill your modeling needs, Juan Sanchez maintains a nice list of device modeling tools over at TCADcentral. He also publishes a nice looking 2D drift diffusion solver at www.devsim.org

A list of Generic solar cell simulation tools

Scientific photovoltaic software

Joachim Piprek NUSOD Blog


Silvaco Generic solar cell simulator

Slivaco also do an Generic solar cell simulator, although it looks like it costs money.

Advanced Semiconductor Analysis (ASA)

The people at TU Delft also do a simulator which is pretty comparable to OghmaNano in terms of featuers. I've not personaly used it though.

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