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Download the entire user manual - Understanding OghmaNano


Here you can find tutorials on using OghmaNano. Some talks have an associated slide deck in both ppt and pdf format. Feel free to use/adapt them for your own teaching. Topics covered include: Getting started/basic concepts, 1D Simulations (solar cells and sensors), Carrier trapping, 2D electrical structures (OFETs), Large area devices/circuit models, OLEDs, Material databases, Scripting, Frequency domain simulations, Transient simulations, Optical simulations, Excitonic simulations , Fitting and Misc

  1. Getting started/basic concepts

    • What is OghmaNano (3 Mb)
    • Installing OghmaNano (645 Kb)
    • Making a new simulation (2 Mb)
    • Editing electrical parameters (2 Mb)
    • A tutorial on adding new materials to OghmaNano (992 Kb)
    • Optical simulations
      • Transfer matrix simulations (6 Mb)
      • Ray tracing light emission (2 Mb)
    • Absolute beginners guide to perovskite solar cell simulation (8 Mb)
    • OFET simulation and finance difference meshing. (6 Mb)
    • Dumping more data to disk. (6 Mb)
    • OLEDs. (6 Mb)
    • Closing remarks (6 Mb)
    • Python scripting OghamNano (6 Mb)
  2. 1D Simulations

    • Setting up electrical and optical simulations in OghmaNano:
    • Simulating a single JV curve in the light and dark with OghmaNano:
    • Modelling Heterojunction tunnelling:
    • Simulating perovskite solar cells with mobile ions and hysteresis - a tutorial:
    • Simulating solar cells with multiple active layers with OghmaNano
    • Reproducing the results of a 10 year old paper with OghmaNano
  3. Carrier trapping

    • Why you must include trap states in your simulations (2 Mb)
    • A simulation of a JV curve in an organic solar cell with trap filling using SRH statistics:
  4. 2D electrical structures (OFETs)

    • Simulating ofets with OghmaNano (17/02/2017):
    • Simulating buried contacts in multilayer OFETs (31/08/2022):
    • Mini tutorial on OFET simulation using OghmaNano (30/08/2022):
    • Extracting variables as a function of xyz position from a simulation (13/07/2022):
    • imulating 2D BHJ structures in OghmaNano (04/05/2022):
  5. Large area devices/circuit models

    • Tutorial on designing large area contacts for flexible electronics:
    • Demo of: Simulating large area hexagonal contacts for organic devices:
    • Understanding Printed Hexagonal Contacts for Large Area Solar Cells through Simulation/Experiment:
    • Simulating solar cells with simple diode models (Ideal diode equation) with OghmaNano
  6. OLEDs

    • Simulating OLED structures using ray tracing and drift diffusion
    • Simulating OLEDs with multiple emission layers
    • Ray tracing in thin organic films using gpvdm
  7. Material databases

    • Importing new materials into OghmaNano:
    • Simulating a single JV curve in the light and dark with OghmaNano:
  8. Scripting

    • Python scripting perovskite solar cell simulation:
    • Scripting solar cell simulation in python with OghmaNano
  9. Frequency domain simulations

    • Simulating impedance spectroscopy (IS) in solar cells:
  10. Transient simulations

    • Simulating CELIV transients with OghmaNano:
    • Translating OghmaNano in to non-english languages:
    • Simulating optoelectronic sensors made from polymers.
  11. Optical simulations

    • Importing fdtd charge generation profiles into OghmaNano:
    • Ray tracing in OLEDs using GPVDM (Organic LEDs):
    • Performing optical simulations with OghmaNano:
    • Ray tracing in arbitrary shapes:
    • Generating photonic crystal structures for FDTD simulation:
    • Tutorial on simulating photonic crystal waveguides using FDTD:
    • Modifying input light sources with a filter in OghmaNano
    • Simulating optical microstructures in thin film devices
    • Designing optical filters, reflective/anti-reflective coatings using OghmaNano
  12. Excitonic simulations

    • Modelling excitons in organic solar cells using:
    • 3D Exciton simulation in D/A domains of bulk heterojunction organic solar cells:
  13. Fitting

    • Advanced topics in fitting of JV curves to experimental data using OghmaNano
    • Fitting transient photocurrent (TPC) and light JV curves using OghmaNano
    • Fitting the light JV curve of an ultra large area (2.5meter x 1cm) OPV device using OghmaNano
    • Extracting mobility and recombination rates from experimental data using OghmaNano
  14. Misc

    • Simulating solar cells using a raspberry pi 3.0:
    • Translating OghmaNano in to non-english languages:
    • How to optimize simulations in OghmaNano so they run faster:
    • Debuging perovskite simulations, mu*tau product, and Maxwell-Boltzmann stats
    • Advanced topics in fitting of JV curves to experimental data using OghmaNano
    • Speeding up simulations by reducing the amount of data written to disk
  15. Basics

    • Fundamentals of solar cells (11 Mb)

Worksheets for students with homeworks

A mini-lecture introducing the workbooks and worksheets.

Introduction to simulating solar cells - Workbook 1 (pdf): A work sheet with a literature review at the beginning.

Introduction to simulating solar cells - Workbook 1 (pdf): A work sheet without a literature review at the beginning.

Some slides explaining the worksheets: These slides give a very simple and very short introduction to modeling solar cells. This is aimed at people without a semiconductor physics background and only want to know the basics.

Why OghmaNano?

By burning fossil fuels we are releasing ∼33.3 gigatonnes of CO2 per year and thus humanity is steadily changing the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. Since 1960, CO2 in the at mosphere has risen by around 30% this in turn is increasing average global temperaturesand making our home planet Earth, a more difficult place to live on. We therefore have two choices, either cut emissions or face an existential crisis.

Thin film devices such as solar cells and OLEDs offer a viable way to reduce our CO2 emissions, either by providing low carbon electricity, or providing an efficient way to use the energy once generated.

It is therefore important that technologies based on thin film devices continue to be developed and succeed. By developing and releasing OghmaNano, I hope, I am enabling scientists throughout the world to understand these devices a little bit better, which I hope will contribute in a very small way to solving our climate crisis.
